Wednesday, 4 May 2011

The two that SOLD from the keystone

My two lovelies that Sold at the Keystone Exhibition This month.
And whilst it thrills me that they sold, the sale of Venus leaves me in a little of a quandary. Venus is the lush in the Tea Bath, pretty eh? Well some of you certainly thought so. I have had more interest in this one picture than all of my others put together. So this is the issue, should I reproduce in various other poses. I won't print them, pigheaded and stubborn you can call me but I won't, so what do I do.
I'm thinking, what about a limited addition of say 10 Bathing Tea Ladies. Different poses, expressions and faces but hopefully still that sense of sinking into a hot cup of tea that people seem to be drawn to.

I'll think about it.

The Keystone Exhibition finished on Friday boo,
but a cake to celebrate Yay

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